Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Week 21-TOG

History: The main theme of this week is getting an introduction to the Assyrian Empire and talk about how the Northern Kingdom of Israel was conquered by the Assyrians. The history reading is mostly Bible reading again. We also focused on the familiar story of Jonah. The kids even read the book of Jonah in Spanish with Dad.
  • 2 Kings 11-17

  • Usborne Encyclopedia of the Ancient World

  • Life in Ancient Mesopotamia

  • What the Bible is All About for Young Explorers

  • The Story of the World-volume 1 (chapter 16)

Dictation: Our dictation selection is Proverbs 15:1-3

Writing: We finished up our IEW unit 2 this week with writing from an outline about the Assyrian Empire. We added two new sentence starters (-ly and -ing openers)

Timeline: Again this week we did some more extensive timeline work comparing the kings and prophets of Israel and Judah during this time period.

Fine Arts: We carved an Assyrian relief out of a bar of soap. We also made a pop-up book of Jonah being swallowed by a big fish.


Tina in WA said...

Wow, what a wonderful project filled week. Pictures... I must see pictures. ;O)


Urban Mom said...

Love the idea of reading in Spanish! DD is in Spanish class, we try to keep up with phrases, etc. But adding in the reading is a nice addition too. I look forward to her being old enough to do that more. Anyway, Neat!!