Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Week 29 TOG

History: The main topics of this week were the daily life in the early Roman republic. We also looked a bit at how the government was set up.

Literature: Continued from last week

Bible: This week the focus is on the beginning of Jesus's adult ministry and his baptism. There were Bible questions from the student pages.

Dictation: We used selections from the XII Roman law tablets, which were the foundation of the Roman law.

Writing: They each chose an area of daily life in the early Roman republic and wrote about that, using unit 4 IEW.
Notebooking pages:

Fine Arts: We wove baskets since the Romans wove baskets in their daily life.

Week 28-TOG

History: We are starting on unit 4, the History of Redemption. This week we focused on the founding of Rome and the Etruscan people.


Bible: We are reading through the gospels during this unit and the focus was on the familiar story of Christ's birth and childhood. They had Bible questions to answer from the student pages.
Dictation: We used Mary's prayer, the Magnificat, for our dictation this week.
Memory: We reviewed the books of the New Testament
Writing: The writing assignment was discussing the Etruscans and their influence on the Romans. I am going to continue to do IEW unit 4 writing for the rest of the year. I used an exerpt from the Usborne book.
Notebooking pages: The book about Jesus's childhood opens up and there are 3 little books in it for Mary, Joseph, and Jesus.

We made a little flip book of the flora and fauna of the Roman peninsula. This is a picture of one of the pages opened up.

We had a New Testament book word search for this lesson.

Fine Arts:This week we looked at pictures of some mosaics from the time of the Etruscans and made our own! It is a good thing I took a picture quickly, otherwise they might not have survived too long!

Unit 3 celebration

Unit 3 celebration

We started off the unit celebration with the kids showing the 3 battles from the Persian war that they staged and acted out. I need to figure out how to get our video onto my blog. We don't have a digital recorder.

Next the kids put on their Greek play, the story of Job. They were amazing, and I was so proud of them!! See the slideshow above.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Week 27-TOG

This is the final week of our third unit. I really can not believe that we have made it this far already! It seems to be zipping by!! This next Tuesday night we will be having our third unit celebration where we will be performing our Greek play (the story of the life of Job). The masks will (hopefully) be painted and the lines totally memorized by then.

History: The focus of this weeks lesson was Alexander the Great and the Hellenism of the Ancient world. We also learned about the Macabean rebellion and the origin of Hanukkah.

Literature: The kids both finished their books from last week.

Writing: The kids both wrote about the Macabean rebellion and the beginning of Hanukkah.

Dication: The story of Alexander and Becephalus

Geography: The are that was conquered by Alexander the Great


(Don't know what happened to the above scan!)
Projects: We will paint our masks and finish the play. Pictures to come later!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Week 26-TOG

The theme of this week was to learn about some specifics of the Ancient greeks, including the theater and several well-known Greeks.


The kids both read books about famous Greeks and their inventions and contributions.
Dictation-This week in dication, we used some of Socrates sayings.

Writing-Our writing assignment is about Pythagorus this week. I guess it is the math geek in me coming out.

Geography-We are looking at a map of the Italian penninsula this week.

Notebook pages- We made a little book about the Greek alphabet and practiced writing in Greek. We also drew a greek comedy and tragedy mask.

Project-We made Greek masks. Hopefully the will work to wear for the unit celebration when we perform our Greek play.

Week 25-TOG

History-The topic this month was the Peloponnesian War, with a focus on the art and architecture of Classical Greece.

Literature-We finished our books from last week. Annsley finished Victory on the Wall and Seth finished Pegasus. They both enjoyed these books.

Dication-We finished selections from the Athenian Code this week.

Writing-This week we continued with Unit IV in IEW and we wrote about the first Olympics.


Notebook pages-

We looked at (and drew) a lot of Grecian pottery and art.

We also studied the architecture and the different types of columns the Greeks were know for.

Project- We continued to work on the video taping of the Battle of Salamis, Marathon, and Thermopylae. The kids also practiced their Job play for the unit celebration.