We read Story of the World, chapter 3, did the coloring page (sort of), completed the map and a narration. We read a few extra books this week.
There are so many fun projects to do in this time period!! I bought one of those kits to make papyrus, and, despite the fact that it looks OK in this picture, it didn't hold together at all. But, the kit came with 2 pieces of papyrus that did hold together, so we'll be adding that to the notebook after we write on it with berry juice. Time got away from us, and we didn't get to that yet.
Next, we made cuneiform tablets. Levi's looks pretty good, but, as usual, Luke has his own idea of how he wants to do a project, and it usually has very little to do with what I want him to do. :-) The girls' tablets looked beautiful! We also had a hieroglyphic stamp set, which was fun.