Friday, January 18, 2008

Week 15 update-TOG

For some reason I'm having a hard time since Christmas break feeling like we are on top of things. Here it is Friday and we still have so much history/writing that we haven't done yet. I need to spend some time figuring out what I need to do to feel like I'm back on top of things. So, this week, I am going to list the things that *will be* completed over the weekend rather than the things that are all done!

History: This week we are focusing on the time where the Israelits were at last allowed to enter the Promised Land! The history reading and Bible reading are the same, and the kids read from the book of Joshua and Judges. We also read some pages in What the Bible is All About for Young Explorers.

Writing: This week we are writing compare and contrast essays on Moses and Joshua. (This is one of the things that hasn't happened yet this week.)

Fine Arts: I have not yet decided which project we will do on Monday.

Geography: We looked at the maps of Israel during the time of the Judges.

Since I never mention the other subjects we are doing, I'll give a little update on where we are in those subjects.

Grammar: We are using Rod & Staff 5, and the kids are almost done with this book. Grammar seems to come fairly easy for them, and they actually enjoy diagramming sentences.

Latin: We are about halfway done with Latina Christiana 2. The kids do pretty well with this and we are progressing with this. I don't know where we'll go next year after this.

Spanish: The kids do Spanish with Daddy every night. They are reading and translating the book of Luke right now.

Math: Annsley is doing Math-U-See Algebra and is about 2/3 of the way through. She alternates this with ALEKS online. Seth is almost done with Math-U-See Pre-Algebra and is starting Singapore 6B.

Memory Work: We are continuing with our weekly Memory CD.

Science: We are studying the lesson on bats in Apologia Science (Flying Creatures). We are making a lapbook to go along with this.

Piano: The kids take lessons from Grandma and are practicing daily.


Daisy said...

Well, it sounds like you did quite a bit for not "being on top of it". LOL. I can't seem to get back into the vein of things since Christmas break either. I think the outside fog has drifted into my brain. ;)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Daisy! But I understand the feeling and have felt the same way since Christmas break. I don't feel as prepared even though we are getting most things done. Is it summer yet? :)

Melora said...

I came here from the New WTM board (which currently gives me the willies, but I'm trying to be grown up about it!), and just wanted to say I enjoyed your blog, and also your helpful answers in the past to my questions about TOG. I just ordered my Redesign Yr 1 to use next year with a then 5th grader & 1st grader, and your posts are very encouraging -- looks like we will be studying some fun stuff! And the electrically wired house is fantastic!

my5wolfcubs said...

We're doing TOG Yr 1 also -- I've had a hard time getting to the writing since Christmas. And haven't even done weekly reports since...oh, October, maybe!

I think it is so cool that your kids are learning Spanish w/ Dad by translating the Bible!

Lee (from the WTM board)

Nan said...

I feel ya sister. And I blame it all on the internet. It's bad for me. And I'm probably not so good for it. LOL

I need to install a timer on my computer. One that starts shooting pelting me with something painful if I don't turn it off when it says to....
